Instagram, although it started out primarily focused on publishing photos and videos, now includes several messaging functions to communicate directly. And it happens that, as in other applications such as WhatsApp, the confirmation of reading of messages can cause some discomfort, that "seen" that gives us away when we have read a message without answering it. Well, today we are going to explain to you How to turn off read receipts on Instagram. If you want unnoticed, keep reading, this may interest you.
What are read receipts on Instagram?
Read receipts are a feature that Instagram, like many other apps, incorporates by default in its direct messages (DM). This feature allows the person who sent you a message to see when you have read it. It is shown with the word "viewed" just below the last sent message, which serves as proof that you have accessed the conversation.
This feature can be useful for many, but it can also be uncomfortable for those who prefer to have more control over their privacy and don't want to feel pressured to respond immediately after reading a message. Luckily, there are ways to disable this "seen" and prevent your contacts from knowing when you have read their messages.
Disable read receipts on all your chats
The good news for those looking for a global solution is that Instagram allows Disable read receipts on all messagesThis process is simple, but it is important to know that by doing so, you will not be able to see when your contacts read your messages.
So if you want to know How to turn off read receipts on Instagram, follow these steps.
- Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and make sure you have the latest version.
- Access your profile by tapping the icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Click on the three horizontal lines at the top right to open the menu.
- Choose Settings and privacy.
- Within this section, look for the option Messages and responses to stories.
- Click on Show read receipts and if the button is enabled, disable it.
With this, you will have achieved that No user can know when you have read their messagesAs we mentioned before, the downside is that you will lose that ability as well, but it's a small price to pay for more privacy.
Disable seen only in a specific chat
Although this option is not as well known or as direct, some messaging apps, such as WhatsApp, allow you to manage the read confirmation in a specific way. On Instagram, however, it is not possible. Disable “seen” for only some users from the settings of the application itself. This means that the option explained above affects everyone equally.
However, there is an alternative method that can help you read messages without the “seen” being displayed. individual chat sessions using airplane mode or accessing Instagram from notificationsThese methods require a little more effort, but can be useful if you only need to hide the read receipt for a specific message:
Use airplane mode
This trick consists of reading messages while your phone is on. airplane mode, preventing Instagram from registering the reading of the message until you reconnect to the Internet. The steps are very simple:
- Open the Instagram app and access the messages in question.
- Without opening the message, activate the airplane mode on your device. This will disconnect your phone from the network and prevent Instagram from telling the sender that you have read the message.
- Access the message you want to read while still in airplane mode.
- After reading the message, close Instagram and then log out in the app before turning off airplane mode.
- Reconnect to the Internet. Since you logged out before turning off airplane mode, Instagram will not record that you have read the message.
Read from notifications
Another method available to read messages without the "seen" appearing is to do it directly from your mobile notifications. Instead of opening the application, you can see the content of the message from the notification bar if you have enabled this option on your device.
The steps are the following:
- Go to Configuration on your mobile device
- Access the section Notifications and make sure Instagram's are turned on.
- When you receive a message, check the text from the notification without opening the app.
So, although it is not a perfect method since some messages can be long or contain images, it is a useful trick to read short messages without sending read receipt.
Some alternatives to read receipts
If for some reason none of the above options convince you, there are also other methods that can help you control what your contacts see and don't see about your activity on Instagram.
Disable “Online” status
Instagram also shows when you're online, which can be annoying if you're trying to prevent someone from knowing when you're available. You can hide your online status following these steps:
- Go to your profile and access the menu Configuration.
- Within Privacy , select the option Activity status.
- Disable the option Show when you are active.
This way, you will not only disable the read message confirmation, but also your online status, providing even more privacy.
Restrict contacts
Another option to consider is to restrict a contact on Instagram. By doing so, their messages will be moved to the Message requests, and when reading them, a read receipt will not be sent. This option is useful if you don't want to block someone, but you don't want to interact with their messages either.
- Access the profile of the person you want to restrict.
- Tap on the three dots at the top right and select Restrict.
- Their messages will not appear directly in your inbox and will not send notifications.
With this option, you'll get more control over who can see if you've read their messages and who can't.
Ultimately, each user has their own reasons for wanting to disable read receiptsWhether you want to avoid misunderstandings or simply prefer a greater degree of control over your interactions, Instagram offers several solutions to improve privacy on the platform.