One of the most powerful tools in Windows, believe it or not, is the Microsoft Office suite. For you to discover some secrets, in this note we will explain how to delete a page in word.
This step by step explanation will be helpful for different software versions, just remember to guide you with our tutorial so you can easily master this open secret.
Step-by-step tutorial on how to delete a page in Word
There are different cases in which we may need delete a page in word in its desktop version. Here we show you two ways that can be very useful.
It is important that you know that These types of procedures can be performed in various ways., this time we show you what we consider the simplest and most direct.
Delete blank pages
Many text editors, including Word, generate blank pages as we write, this is due to the accumulation of spaces or even small errors in the code software source.
Eliminating them will allow you to maintain order or even, at the time of printing, will help you avoid a white sheet needlessly. We will show you the steps to follow:
- Open the document you want to edit. You can do it from the folder where it is or from the Word menu.
- To find the pages easily, we will use the navigation panel. There are two ways to do it, through the “Navigation Pane"In the" tabVista” or with the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+B".
- This will open a new column on the left of your screen, where you can view the pages of your document.
- Choose the option "Pages”, below the search bar in the Navigation Pane column.
- Use the panel to scroll through the document and find blank pages within Word.
- A tool that can help you is the keyboard shortcut “Shift+Ctrl+8”, which will indicate the breaks automatically defined by the paragraphs. These jumps are often responsible for creating pages without content.
- If you find blank pages, followed by these bookmarks, you can remove them by selecting them and pressing the “Suppress” on your keyboard. This option will eliminate the extra spaces and therefore the blank page that gets in the way.
This procedure is quite simple and safe. In case you make a wrong operation, we will have the option to undo at the top left or use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Z".
How to delete a page with text or other elements
This procedure may generate some doubts or insecurity in the users, however, remember that just like the previous procedure, you can undo it when you consider it.
The steps for delete a page with content in microsoft word are:
- Enter the document you want to edit, to do this, you can open the document directly with a double click or through the Word menu itself.
- Start the “Navigation panel”, just as we did in the previous procedure. This step is not required, but if the document is long, it will help you locate the page easily.
- We must select the page that we want to delete by clicking on it.
- Word does not have a tool to delete pages, which is why we must carry out the procedure manually.
- With the help of the pointer, we can select page contentThere are three ways to do this:
- With the mouse, we will select the first word of the page and leaving the click sustained, we will go down until it completely covers the last word of the page that we want to eliminate.
- We do not position before the first word of the page and with the help of the arrow keys and the key "Shift” pressed continuously, we will select all the words.
- We will make a simple click before the beginning of the first word of the page and we will move with the scroll until the end, while on the keyboard we press the key “Shift”, we will click at the end of the last word.
- Once the text of the page that we want to delete is completely selected, on the keyboard we will press the “Recoil” or the “ keySuppress”. Both will delete the content and with it the page that we want to remove.
When doing this process, the next page will be in the place of the one we just deleted, even obtaining the numbering in the index that was in the erasure.
This procedure allows not only to eliminate the text that is visible on the page, but also other hidden items in it, such as graphics or even line breaks.
In case the page has images, the selection process for all the content works in an excellent way, allowing us to eliminate the entire content of it.
Remember that if you are not sure what you are going to do, you can create a backup on your computer before proceeding with this type of editing. To do this you can save the document with another name, going to the option “Save as", on the menu "Archive".