A quick guide to know how to put the night mode on Mac

How to put the night mode on Mac to highlight the content

How to put the night mode on Mac to highlight the content

Few days ago, in a previous post, we have covered the useful technological trend that exists for both mobile operating systems and desktop operating systems, related to the use of night or dark mode. More specifically, about how to put night mode on ios to take better photos.

However, and since the night mode It is usually also applicable to desktop computers and laptops, but in order to facilitate the concentration of users in their work, study, leisure and entertainment tasks; today in this new quick guide we will easily show you the essentials you need to know about "How to put night mode on Mac" to achieve highlights the content that is worked on above the rest of the managed environment.

How to put the night mode in iOS to take better photos

In addition, other important and interesting facts to know about night mode on Mac computers is, that this appeared for the first time in one of these equipment, through OS X Yosemite 10.10. And since then, it has become a native and essential element of all subsequent versions of macOS.

For this reason, night mode is currently a standard feature of macOS, which you do not need any other application or third-party software to activate it. Therefore, it works on the entire operating system, that is, on the entire macOS GUI and Apple applications. Going even, in many cases, to apply to a long list of third-party applications from other developers.

How to put the night mode on Mac to highlight the content

How to put the night mode on Mac to highlight the content

Steps to get to know how to put night mode on mac

Whether or not you have a Mac computer, that is, a desktop or laptop computer with some version of macOS, the first thing you should know about night mode on them is that night mode (night) is specially programmed for facilitate the user experience. For this reason, it allows users to concentrate better when working, thanks to the fact that the content worked on in the foreground stands out, while the darkened controls and windows remain in the background.

Steps to activate it

And secondly, that the steps to activate this feature on macOS Ventura 13 or others, they are as follows:

  1. We activate the Apple Menu.
  2. Next, we click on the System Settings icon. Or in the System Preferences icon, if it is a very old version of macOS.
  3. Then on the Appearance icon in the sidebar. Or on the General icon, if it is a very old version of macOS.
  4. At this point, all we have to do is select one of the Appearance options available at the top of the window. The following are currently available: Light (for the light aspect), Dark (for the dark aspect) and Automatic (to automatically use the light aspect during the day and the dark one at night).

More about macOS night or night mode

More about macOS night or night mode

  • The operation of this feature is essentially based on the application of a dark color scheme to the entire operating system, including many of its own and third-party applications.
  • If the dark color scheme does not apply to a particular third-party app, in some cases this may be because that app may have its own internal settings for the same.
  • Some proprietary and specific Apple applications usually have special dark mode settings or functions, such as: Mail, Maps, Notes, Safari and TextEdit.

Finally, and for more truthful information as usual, we invite you to explore the following Apple official link about its functionality of Night Mode on Mac. Whereas, for some more recommendations on using this handy feature, you can click on the following official link.

And if necessary, we invite you to explore more guide and tutorials here about macOS, on our website.

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In summary, and now that you know with total certainty about "How to put night mode on Mac" In order to quickly highlight important or worked content above the rest of the managed environment, you will undoubtedly be implementing this useful feature whenever you need it. Above all, if you are one of those users who constantly looking to improve their productivity, under any lighting condition (illumination), both day and night.

And of course, also if you are one of those users who are looking for avoid or mitigate effects or consequences, such as insomnia, tiredness, stress and eyestrain; which are usually caused by an excess of light (blue or not) present on the computer screen used, in low light environments or late at night.

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