Despite its undeniable advantages and practical functionalities, many users are still reluctant to use Office and its suite of Word, Excel and PowerPoint applications when they are paid applications. However, there is the possibility of working with PowerPoint online, without having to pay the subscription. That is precisely what we are going to see in this post.
Powerpoint is the oldest and most popular software in the computer world for creating presentations. It was created in 1987 by Forethought Inc with the original name of Present, aimed primarily at the Mac platform. But the real success came at the end of that same year, when it was bought by Microsoft and adapted to Windows, under the name of Powerpoint. And so it has come to this day.
Currently, PowerPoint is widely used in the business and educational sectors. Until its appearance, the usual way of making presentations was through Word, which had many limitations for this type of task.
Integrated in the Office 365 suite, Microsoft's suite of applications, along with Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, this popular program works under subscription. Applications cannot be purchased separately or together. That means have to pay every month.
That is why today we are going to explain here how use PowerPoint online, absolutely free. Thus, we will be able to handle the original application without having to resort to other free alternatives to PowerPoint that are also very practical, but with which sometimes it is difficult for us to adapt or they do not give us what we want.
Online version of Office
How to use PowerPoint online for free without paying subscription
Still a lot of people don't know, but the online version of Office is totally free. This means that when entering the website of, we have at our disposal all the Microsoft office tools that we all know without having to pay anything.
It must be said that the versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint that we access through this website have certain limitations compared to the paid versions. In the specific case of PowerPoint, we find the drawback that the animations are quite limited. Nothing serious if we are not thinking of using this application for professional purposes.
Undoubtedly, the highlight of working with PowerPoint online through the Office website is that can be used from any operating system, since everything works from the browser. The only requirement to enjoy this possibility is have an email from Hotmail or gmail to be able to access the website.
Once we have entered the website of the online version of Office we will see a main screen in which the different applications are shown in the column on the left, including PowerPoint:
Online version of Office
Choose a topic
After clicking on the PowerPoint icon we will be able to see a series of templates to use in our presentation. To see them all and choose well, you have to press the button "More Topics" located on the left side of the screen. There are many and varied themes to choose from. To load it, just click on the one we want and in a matter of a few seconds we will have it on the screen. This is the example we have chosen to illustrate this post:
Use PowerPoint online through
If we have already worked with the desktop version of PowerPoint before, we will not notice great differences. Everything works exactly the same, only some of the features are not going to be available here.
Save and load presentations
all the work and the changes we make in the presentation will be saved on the web the same way they are saved in the desktop version. If we want to stop at some point and continue with the presentation after a few hours or a few days, all we have to do is go back to There, on the home screen, the erasers of our submissions, sorted from most recent to oldest.
Google Slides
Use PowerPoint online with Google Slides
Another way to use PowerPoint online is to do it through Google Slides. If we have a presentation already prepared or in the process of being prepared with the Microsoft application, we can convert it to this format to view it or continue working on it.
For regular users of the PPT format who are not yet familiar with Google Slides, we will say that it is one of the collaborative and free tools integrated within Google Drive. Like PowerPoint, it will help us to make presentations in a very similar way, since it can read any document in .ppt or .pptx format without problems.
It is true that its use is not as widespread or as popular as PowerPoint. It is also true that there are many users who think that its functionality is slightly discreet compared to what it offers us. But despite this, it is an excellent alternative for the objective that we pursue in this post: An easy solution to use PowerPoint online without paying anything.
To use PowerPoint online through Google Slides, we only have to access Google Drive through our Gmail account. Then, you have to follow these steps:
- The first thing to do is select the PowerPoint file and import it into our account. Google Drive. To do this, in Drive we click on the button "New" and then we choose the option "Upload file".
- Next, we find the document on our computer and click "Open". You can also drag the file directly into the browser.
- Once the upload is complete, double click on the file icon. This will open the presentation in PowerPoint format in Google Slides.
With these simple steps we will achieve an editable version that is very easy to use. Best of all, it allows us to work with a PowerPoint document as if it were a Google Slides file. Easy and effective.